Monday 4 October 2010

Marriage post baby

ok- so I can see why kids interfere in a marriage in sooo many ways.  Today's ways:  we are both worried about money.  This makes me agitated and up all night, makes my husband distant and short with me.  I spend hours trying to figure out why he is "mad" at me, and it always takes me a long time to realize that he is just as stressed as I am, probably more because he is the bread winner.  Second, this weekend was soooo boring.  I am sick of sitting home in front of the TV with the baby, I want to do something.  But of course I don't want to spend any money until we are caught up.  And he enjoys sitting around after a week at work- I get to do it all week- now he wants to chill and cuddle. Another thing is how boring I've become.  I only want to talk about baby, and can't even listen when he talks about work.  I realize this is all me.  Although I do sometimes feel like he doesn't understand what it's like to be a human vending machine and how it has been so difficult so every blip makes me stew for ages.  Anyways, I'm sure there will be more things.  I would tell myself that we need to communicate more, but I'm all touched out.  I'm giving so much emotionally to my baby that I just don't know how to give to my husband right now.  I am hoping that I can just trust in the marriage and have faith that we will get through this young baby stage and can give more on the other side.  It is hard and frustrating though, and feels very lonely.