Thursday 12 November 2009

Lower Back Pain at 6 weeks and three days

This is the perfect example of a new symptom that is freaking me the fuck out. My lower back hurts. I suspect it is because I am slouching on my ass all day because I feel pretty unwell. No, I'm not worried about the yucky feeling that started a couple of days ago- I welcomed it, call it morning sickness, really like normal symptoms (and I was fretting over not having any!). I've read it increases your chances of a healthy pregnancy (I've also read that this is a clear example of a cause and effect misunderstanding, but I don't care). But why is my lower back hurting? I'm not carrying any extra weight aside from bloat and sore boobs. I'm not lifting heavy items, I'm not over exerting myself. And these are the moments when google is freakin scary! There are so many tragedies in the world and on the internet they speak at a disproportionately louder volume. I have finally smartened up and stopped reading the most frightening posts, but what about the post that turns surprisingly scary. It seems all normal and optimistic, and then the writer includes her previous three miscarriage experiences. It doesn't make her irrational, the boards are yet another brilliant element of the modern age- providing support to women who used to suffer more silently- but it makes ME irrational. It makes me panic. And I can't tell when it is going to turn ugly. All I want to hear is lower back pain is totally normal. Which I do hear. I hear it a lot. But all I actually hear is the rare horror story. They are so much more graphic, and they provide an explanation, something to intellectualize. But in this case, it is intellectualizing in the wrong direction. It's like all those people with sudden wheat allergies. They know they don't feel so well, they found a trend allergy, and it helps them intellectualize what might actually be a general boredom and malaise in life. That was mean, I realize it. I believe in wheat allergies. I really do. I could probably tell you things about it. But I feel mean. And I feel hormonal. And I feel scared. And I feel the opposite of Zen.

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