Friday 5 March 2010

22 weeks- exciting things

Well, this baby is a mover!  He jumps all over the place and got really good at kicking the doppler while I was in the hospital.  One of the midwives told me that I'd better get ready for an active baby, but the movements just mostly make me laugh.  He gets the most excited after I eat something, but he also likes it when I lie down for bed or when my husband and I are talking.  Oh, and my husband felt him move!  I was in the hospital and the baby was partaking in another marathon session, and my husband was able to feel it!  It was very exciting.  I can also see my stomach moving when he kicks, which is pretty funny.  I'm hoping to be able to catch it on video soon.
The other thing that I found out is that I haven't gained any weight.  Not even a pound!  Of course I have mixed feelings about this.  My husband thinks the weight is simply redistributing, but I think I may have lost weight during this pregnancy because I have been sick most of the time, and also during my hospital stay.  I suspect that the weight gain is about to start up, so I'll only be smug for a few seconds, but it did make me feel better that I'm not totally pigging out and gaining to much weight, cuz I was worried about that.  Oh, and don't tell my boobs or belly that I'm not gaining weight- they don't know it and keep growing and growing.  I swear, I've got porn star boobs.  Oh, and porn star nails too.
I died my multicolored blondish hair all one color the other day, and while I definitely look better as a blonde, I'm so happy I did it and got it over with.  And I actually kind of like how it looks.  I will prefer my natural color when that comes back, but that won't be for a long time because my hair is so long.  I just like not being a slave to my hair, which is how I was beginning to feel.  Blonde is a strange, and strangely large part, of my identity, so it has been a refreshing experience to shed the light blonde, even if I'm still a dark blonde.  Whoat, can I say blonde any more times?  Brace yourself, I'm not above talking about lip gloss either.
Oh, and finally, my nipples swell.  What's up with that?  They've been doing it since about 11 weeks, so it isn't new, but it is weird.  It usually happens at night, and mostly to the right nipple, and it is totally weird.  I hope it isn't going to mess with breastfeeding.  I asked my sister about it when I was home and she said that her nipples got swollen kind of suddenly at the end of her pregnancy.  This is more like a daily thing for me.  It's like my nipples are allergic to something, which is kind of funny.  "No, I can't eat that, my nipples are allergic."

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