Saturday 20 March 2010

24 weeks

Well, I've been a little MIA because I just haven't been feeling good and didn't feel like complaining in a blog.  But, the good news is, I'm now improving fairly rapidly, just not immediately, like I wanted.  I can now walk almost as fast as most people, and my pain is very reduced.  I needed pain killers last Thursday during the day, which made me cry because I could feel the baby jumping around so much and I just hated to sedate him.  But the doctors have reassured me that my very infrequent use of codeine is perfectly fine for the baby, so I am choosing to believe them.  I went to the hospital last Thursday and it was yet another very unsatisfying NHS experience, where the doctor didn't bother to read my file before talking to me, and simply asked what was wrong with me, and then told me I was fine.  Not very reassuring.  They always think I'm there to talk about my fibroid as well, which is odd because any body who actually has a look at it doesn't seem the least bit bothered, and I would rather not focus on a non existent negative.  Then, totally randomly, I blacked out in the examination room.  Suddenly it was decided that I am anemic and that I'd better get this under control before it gets even worse.  Again, they didn't draw any more blood, they simply read what they had skipped reading in my chart from before.  They agreed to let me wait on taking iron pills until I'm done with the pain pills, and have tried some dietary changes.  I don't think I blacked out cuz of anemia, although my iron levels are ever so slightly low.  I think I was very nervous, was very scared of bad news, and while no news is good news, I just wanted to hear more than nothing, so I'm not exactly happy about it all.  Luckily I have another appointment Monday at the good hospital and although I think I will get a lecture about using both hospitals, contrary to how the NHS like to operate, I think they will be much more thorough and possibly reassure me better.  What I really want to hear is that I am low risk and still clear for a home birth.  While I'm not sure I want a home birth, and won't know until I see the place we move into, I just want the option.  I also want the pain to go away, so I can deal with one kind of pain at a time.  The doctor said that I might just have pain for my whole pregnancy, but I don't believe her.  I am feeling pretty good when I don't wear myself out, don't sit in the same position for too long, and don't eat fatty foods, so in a few more months I think I should be much better.  I guess I would like both a doctor and a psychic.
We went to London on Wednesday, and stayed through Thursday night.  I needed the codeine each day, both times after the long train ride and questionable food.  I can't believe how hard it is to find a low fat meal at a restaurant.  I always thought it was easy, but there are lots of hidden fats and cooking methods that add fat.  I am shocked by the choices I would have made if I wasn't forced to watch my diet.  I always think of myself as a healthy eater, and a look at my food diary proves that I am, but I make a lot of exceptions and special treats when I'm out, which has got to add up, so this has been quite an education!  But London was great, and even though I couldn't walk around as much as I wanted, and had to go straight to bed after arriving on Wednesday afternoon, we did a lot of stuff.  We ate at an amazing Polish restaurant, I didn't know that I'd never had Polish food before!  It was so fun and the chef was so sweet and came and checked on us and even though the place was empty and cold with construction guys walking around, we had a ton of fun.  On Thursday we saw Billy Elliot in a very cheap mantinee show, and had dinner at one of those fair trade super liberal and proud of themselves restaurants.  It was good, although the smell of smug in the air was a bit stifling.  We went to London because my husband had a very important funding interview, but I don't want to jinx it by talking about it too much.  Will talk about it more when he gets it. ;)
As far as the baby, he seems to be doing great.  My stomach has again made a jump in size and I'm pretty sure people can tell I'm pregnant now.  Either way, there isn't really a way to hide it.  I sat next to a 9 month pregnant woman at the fresh food restaurant and even though she was a much thinner person than me, I couldn't believe how big she was, and what I'm in for.  Yikes!  The baby hasn't done much except for a newly developed habit of kicking me in the groin.  It is pretty uncomfortable, feels like he is kicking me in the vagina and butt!  I looked it up on the internet and it turns out that it is pretty common for the 24th-ish week, so I guess I'd better suck it up- people in the chatrooms made kicks in the ribs sound so much more uncomfortable, so I'll appreciate what I'm getting. :)  (Ooh, now a super pregnant woman has sat down in the cafe next to me- I never noticed how many people are pregnant before!)  There were a few moments in London where I felt kind of uncool about being pregnant.  Like, there were all these glam independent London girls and here I was wearing pregnancy jeans and holding on to the tube railings for dear life.  But everytime I thought I was the only pregnant woman alive, another one would walk by and I would feel really proud to be a part of this special club.

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